10 Best Mood Board Software for Graphic Designers and Creatives

mood board software

Mood boards are a powerful tool for graphic designers and creatives to organize their ideas, visualize their concepts, and communicate their vision to clients or teammates. Mood boards are essentially a collage of images, textures, colours and typography that convey the mood style,and aesthetics of a design project. In the past, mood boards were created using physical materials such as magazines, photos, and paper but nowadays here is plenty of mood board software that offers a more digital and flexible approach. In this article,we will review a few mood board software for graphic designers and creatives.

10 best mood board software

  • Canva

Canva is a popular graphic design platform that offers a wide range of tools and templates for creating various types of designs, including mood boards. Canva has a simple and intuitive interface that allows users to drag and drop elements, resize and crop images, and customize fonts and colours. Canva also has a vast library of free and paid stock images, icons, and graphics that users can use in their mood boards. Canva is available as a web app and a mobile app, making it accessible and versatile.

  • Milanote

Milanote is a visual collaboration platform that specializes in mood boards, mind maps, and other creative tools. Milanote’s mood board feature is designed to be flexible and interactive, allowing users to add notes, comments, and feedback to each element of the mood board. Milanote also has a library of templates and pre-made elements that users can use as inspiration or starting points. Milanote is available as a web app and a desktop app.

  • Miro

Miro is another visual collaboration platform that can be used for creating mood boards. Miro has a vast library of templates, icons, and widgets that users can use to customize their mood boards. Miro also offers a variety of collaboration and communication features,such as video conferencing, chat, and comments. Miro is available as a web app and a mobile app.

  • Adobe XD

Adobe XD is a user experience design platform that includes a mood board feature. Adobe XD’s mood board feature allows users to create visual representations of their design concepts, as well as organize and annotate them. Adobe XD also integrates with other Adobe tools such as Photoshop and Illustrator, making it easier to import and export assets. Adobe XD is available as a desktop app.

  • Pinterest

Pinterest is a social media platform that is often used for inspiration and mood boarding. Pinterest allows users to create boards and pin images, videos, and other content that they find inspiring or relevant to their projects. Pinterest also has a search feature that allows users to discover new content and ideas. While Pinterest is not specifically designed for mood boarding, it is a popular and accessible option for many designers.

  • Niice

Niice is a mood board platform that focuses on visual search and curation. Niice allows users to search for images and other visual content using keywords, colors, and other criteria. Niice also offers collaboration features, such as the ability to share and comment on mood boards. Niice is available as a web app and a desktop app.

  • InVision

InVision is a digital product design platform that includes a mood board feature. InVision’s mood board feature allows users to organize and present their design concepts visually. InVision also offers collaboration and communication features, such as real-time commenting and feedback. InVision is available as a web app and a mobile app.

  • PureRef

PureRef is a desktop app that is specifically designed for mood boarding. PureRef allows users to create and organize visual references such as images videos and web pages. PureRef also has a zooming and panning feature that allows users to inspect details and textures closely. PureRef is available as

  • SampleBoard

SampleBoard is a cloud-based mood board platform that caters to interior designers, architects, and other design professionals. SampleBoard allows users to create and share interactive mood boards that include product information, pricing, and availability. SampleBoard also offers a library of pre-made templates and designs. SampleBoard is available as a web app.

  • Figma

Figma is a collaborative design platform that includes a mood board feature. Figma’s mood board feature allows users to create visual collections of design elements, such as colors, typography, and images. Figma also offers collaboration and communication features, such as commenting and real-time editing. Figma is available as a web app and a desktop app.


In conclusion, mood boards are a valuable tool for graphic designers and creatives to organize and communicate their design ideas. The above-mentioned mood board software offers a range of features and capabilities that cater to different design needs and preferences. From Canvas’s simplicity and versatility to PureRef’s focus on visual references, there is a mood board software that can suit any designer’s style and workflow. By using the mood board software, designers can streamline their design process, collaborate with clients and teammates more effectively and create designs that truly capture the desired mood and style.