Wagging the Red Flag: 5 Signs Your Dog is Experiencing Joint Problems

Dog joints

Are your pup’s bones as brittle as the ones buried in your backyard? Does your dog suffer from joint pain and mobility issues? Unfortunately, sudden joint problems are an unfortunate fate for many aging canine companions, and the symptoms aren’t always easy to recognize. That said, dog owners of all breeds will need to remain alert and watch your dog closely for any of the five symptoms listed below.

If you believe you’re witnessing tell-tale signs of doggy joint problems, you should research the best joint supplements for dogs. These dietary supplements are an easy, effective, and affordable way to help your furry friend lead an active, pain-free life well into their dog years.

Avoiding stairs

Avoiding going up or down stairs is often the first sign of joint issues. Your dog might show reluctance to use stairs, use them more slowly than usual, or simply refuse to use them at all. Additionally, they might whine or show a lack of coordination when on the stairs.

At first, this symptom might be challenging to notice, especially if your dog primarily spends most of his time on one floor of your home. If you suspect a problem, try encouraging your dog to use the stairs to see how he responds. 

Leg stance

Note the position of your dog’s legs when he’s standing. Are his back legs close together? Do his front legs have a wide stance? Both of these positions help dogs reduce the weight placed on any painful joints. Fair warning: these signs are easy to overlook and may be subtle at first.

Reduced jumping

Most energetic pups, especially younger ones, are known to jump around and cause a ruckus at any given opportunity. These canine companions will leap onto the couch, hop into the car, bound into bed, and more. However, their desire to jump will diminish if they’re suffering from joint problems.

If your dog starts pulling themselves up onto tall objects or avoids them completely, they might have painful joints.

Difficulty standing up

Does your dog struggle to stand up from a sitting or resting position? Dogs with joint pain often take a long time to stand up and get moving, especially in cold weather or after resting for long periods. In cases of sore joints, your furry friend might also exhibit signs of pain or mobility difficulties when entering and exiting a pet carrier.

Along these same lines, dogs with joint issues might have difficulty squatting to use the bathroom, meaning the chances of household accidents and puppy clean-up duty are bound to skyrocket.

Weight gain

Finally, dogs with joint pain often gain weight. After all, they’re moving around less, so they have a reduced ability to burn calories. Also, many dogs increase their food intake if they feel upset or stressed, which is often a side effect of joint pain.

While joint pain can occur in all types of dogs, it’s prevalent in larger breeds and those aging canine companions. As your dog ages, expect its active lifestyle to reach a disheartening standstill. Additionally, expect noticeable weight gain once trips to the dog park take a backseat to afternoon naps in their kennel.

Final thoughts

Your dog is a valued member of the family, providing a mental health boost, home security, and much more. Help them stay healthy by watching closely for any signs your dog is experiencing joint problems.

With joint supplements, as well as a treatment plan curated by your dog’s veterinarian, your lifelong companion can stay happy, active, and comfortable.