How Cats Are Different from Dogs for Relocation

cats and dogs

Moving homes is an exciting time, especially if you’re moving overseas. However, it can also be stressful with all of the documents you need to pull together, finalising housing decisions and transporting all of your belongings to start your new life.

Amongst your long list of tasks that need to be completed before moving, you’ll need to consider how your pets will handle the move. The pet relocation is one of the most important things you should plan at first. It’s not as simple as popping them in a pet carrier and letting them out at the other end. You’ll need to think about making the journey stress-free, food and water on the trip, the trip length and toilet breaks. There’s also the problem of how your pet will handle the new environment at the other end.

Depending on what type of pet you have, the way you handle the situation will differ slightly. Cats tend to be a little more sensitive than dogs, although they wouldn’t admit it.

Considering Cats

  • Keeping Away from Movers

While moving to big cities, you have to find professionals to move a pet to hong kong. Cats don’t like change and when your house movers come in, they’re likely to be off like a shot out of the first gap they see. It’s difficult to gauge what their reaction will be in this regard, as compared to dogs who will most likely be overly friendly and excitedly hound the movers for attention, cats are more likely to be afraid and hide under beds. The last thing you need on moving day is to have to find your cat who’s deliberately hiding out under the shed in the garden.

To combat this, always keep your cat in a closed-off room while your movers are there to keep track of them. It’ll be less stressful for them if they can’t see what’s going on. Cats believe your house is their house and everything in there, wardrobes and all, belongs to them. It’s likely to distress them if they see movers removing all of their furniture.

  • Your Cat’s Setup

If your cat is spoiled, they’ll have a lot of toys and furniture of their own. It would help if you left all this stuff where it is for as long as possible. When the movers arrive, ensure their favourite toys are with them in the room to make them feel comfortable for as long as possible. Your cat’s stuff should be the last thing you pack away.

  • Food Before Travel

Your cat isn’t likely to be used to car trips or transport of any kind. While a dog might love car journeys and find them exciting, your cat is most likely to associate them with negative experiences, like trips to the vets. For this reason, they can get easily stressed and the anxiety might cause them some tummy trouble.

It’s best to avoid feeding your cat for at least 3-4 hours before the journey to avoid any accidents on the way. If your trip is going to be a long one, or if there’s a flight involved, it might be best to feed them a small amount of dried food an hour before the journey as this is easier on their stomach.

  • Moral Support

Dogs do suffer from anxiety, but your presence and the distraction of a treat is usually enough to ease the tension and make them forget about what’s going on around them.

As much as your cat won’t want to admit it, they do get anxious in new places and do need your support, but unexpected treats don’t fool them. In fact, they’ll be suspicious that they’re getting treats because you’re clearly trying to butter them up.

Never open the cat carrier while you’re traveling, as cats can be unpredictable and may try to escape. The best way to keep them calm and relaxed is to continue talking to them throughout the journey. Keep them in a safe location and don’t let them look out of the window while your vehicle is moving – they get car sick. If your cat becomes visibly distressed, it might be best to cover the carrier with a dark sheet, ensuring there’s still lots of access to fresh air.

  • At Your New Home

When you arrive, you’ll need to make sure your cat and their belongings are the first things that you unpack. They need as much time as possible to get to know their new surroundings.

Dogs are generally more comfortable in new places – they go out for walks to explore, which is just like a new adventure for them. However, your cat naturally stays as close to home as possible, especially if you happen to have a house cat. It’s important they get used to the new sights and smells of their new home. Set up a spare room with your cat’s toys and food and shut them in there while you unpack. They’ll be comforted by the familiar items and will ease into the new environment.

Only let your cat out of the room when the movers have gone. Ensure all windows and doors are shut so they can’t get out of the home. It would be best if you tried to spend as much time as possible with them for the next couple of days to reassure them. If your cat normally goes outdoors, it’s a good idea to set them up with a litter tray for the first 5-6 days. Going outside can be overwhelming and they might try to get back to their old home.

  • Going Outdoors

Once you move a city, you would require a vet that can help you in situations you can’t handle, this is where housecall vet in hong kong can give you relief. Your outdoor cat will need to get used to the new environment outside too. After the first week, your cat should have adjusted to the new house and made it their own. You’ll typically notice your cat going around the house to ‘scent mark’ the walls, doors and furniture, by rubbing their mouth on it.

Once your cat is comfortable being indoors, you’ll need to ease them into going outside again. Unlike dogs, they won’t stick to the garden because you have a tall fence; they like to climb, so you need to ensure they don’t go too far too soon. Buying a cat harness and lead is an excellent place to start to ensure your cat doesn’t get scared and bolt for the fence.

Take a trip around the garden to get them used to their outdoor area. You should do this a couple of times a day for 3-4 days. After this, a quick trip around the immediate area on the lead will help to familiarise them.

Taking these actions will solidify their confidence and attachment to your new home and should hopefully mean your cat feels as comfortable and content as possible in their new palace.