Cat Dry Heaving: Things to Know and Do

Dry heaving is a secondary cough, gagging, or muscular stomach contractions. Sometimes it could be created by a simple tickle or hairball in the throat or by a significant cause, including organ disease intestinal blockage.

Although attending the vet brings about stress for you and your kitty, never mind the fact that it’s going to result in a costly bill just for a visit.

This odd behaviour occurs most of the time because of a furball attached to the throat or esophagus. Well, believe it or not, this is natural. A hairball is a typical cause why healthy cats encounter this. It can appear both in kittens and adult cats.

Suppose you have any symptoms or complexities with your cat’s dry heaving. In that case, you can forever chat live with an online vet and even have an intelligent video call for some instant answers. You’ll find out moderately fast whether your cat’s dry heaves are something severe and what you can do to support them right now.

Causes of Dry Heaving


If your kitten or adult cat is experiencing gastroenteritis, you may discern vomiting and diarrhea in extension. This vomiting could be yellow or white foam while executing with an empty stomach. It is commonly caused by viruses, bacteria, parasites, new food, and medication response. Other symptoms are shortness of sleep, off-feed, diarrhea, and despair.


It is perfectly normal if your cat chokes up a big ball of hair now and then. A cat’s tongue is an exceptional tool for grooming. Cats can make hairballs as they continually groom themselves and ingest the hairs. It serves to prevent matting in their fur.

Dry Heaving

Heart Disease

Heart diseases are prevalent in cats. Studies reveal that almost one in ten cats have some cardiovascular problem. Heart disease could be obtained or congenital (by birth). The most common heart condition in pets is heartworm infection, myocardial disease, arrhythmia, and vascular disease. These diseases may also cause weakness, coughing, abdomen swelling, breathing difficulty, wheezing, and abnormal heart rate.

Kidney Disease

In more grown cats, kidney disorders are common, and they may lead to dry heaving simultaneously with nausea and vomiting. Other signs include itchiness, depression, amplified thirst and urination, weakness, and pale gums. Regularly, kidney disease is caused by

  • Infection or obstruction in the urinary tract
  • Toxic substances
  • Congenital disabilities
  • Injuries
  • Kidney infections

Liver Disease

The liver is an indispensable organ of the body that stores vitamins and filters toxins. As a result, it is more prone to damage due to an infection or toxins in the body. It includes jaundice (yellow skin and eyes), head pressing, pale gums, depression, loss of appetite, weight loss, increased thirst, and distended abdomen.


Just like individuals, cats can also handle nausea. Its most frequent cause is eating spoiled food, over-eating, and stomach acidity. It is not a severe medical condition and goes away on its own. However, it can also lead to loss of appetite, weakness, vomiting, and depression.

Foreign body in the throat or stomach 

Cats are just like toddlers, setting everything in their mouths to see what it is. So they always try to eat everything they should not, like toys, foam, plastic, bugs, etc. But, unfortunately, it may block their throat, esophagus, or intestine when they ingest the before-mentioned things.

Dry Heaving

Low Blood Sugar Level

Your animal’s low blood sugar level can be a cause and is something to monitor and look at when it comes to diet and exercise routines.

Dry Heaving in Kittens

Kittens less than three months old are susceptible as their immune system is weak throughout this stage. If your kitten is not sipping and eating along with few instances of coughing up nothing, it may lead to severe consequences.

Precautions for Dry Heaving

Hairballs: Comb the animal twice a day to eliminate the loose hairs but particularly in the spring when they start shedding. Long-haired cats require different brushes than small or medium-haired ones, and some, like Persians, need it daily or every other day. You can purchase anti-hairball gel as an additive to their food or wet food that previously contained the additive. Most healthful cats will do well without it. A nutritious diet having plenty of fibres is also very effective in preventing this condition. Accepting some grass that is created for cats to chew and repeat can work well.

Obstruction: Check your cat from going near small foreign objects that can be swallowed. If you see any strange thing stuck in your cat’s throat or esophagus, get it to a veterinary care hub. Your vet will conduct an endoscopy to examine the throat, esophagus, or stomach and eliminate the obstruction.

Nausea: Nausea is very popular in cats and runs away on its own in a few hours. It can be circumvented by allowing your cat a fresh and nutritious diet. Guarantee that proportion of diet is flattering for the breed and age of your cat. If a high fever brings nausea, you should get your pet to a veterinarian for proper medication.

Gastroenteritis: Hold your sick animal separate from other healthy animals with gastroenteritis. Please consider it with your veterinarian to hold your cat up to date on its shots and other preventive medication. Laboratory examination and diagnostic tests are also crucial for a comprehensive checkup.

Diseases: Liver, heart, and kidney disorders are not preventable. But we can check their causes. For example, heartworm medication can be done to avoid a loss to the core. A veterinarian can only diagnose these diseases. Take your cat to a veterinary care center for a comprehensive medical checkup at least once a year.

Wrap Up

If you notice that your cat is depressed, it is a good idea to take it to your veterinarian for a complete checkup and treatment. Hairball is the most common cause of dry heaving in cats, but in other cases, it can be a disease or something needing attention, like a respiratory infection. In this case, the symptoms should not persist for a long time.