How to Find the Right Vet for Your Pet

Right Vet for Your Pet

Putting off finding a vet before you absolutely need one can put you and your animal friend in a lot of trouble. To be the best pet parent possible, you should find a vet before you need one. These tips can help you find the best vet for your needs.

Follow Recommendations

Your friends, family, or co-workers may already be working with one of the vets in your area.

Or, if you bought your pet from a reputable breeder, they should also be able to recommend one of the best vets in your area. This should extend to a shelter you may have adopted the animal from. It never hurts to ask!

Ensure These Vets Have Experience

While you may think that all vets have similar training and experience, this is not the case. Vets have a variety of specialities, from large to small animals. Ask to make sure your new vet can take care of your animal.

How do I Verify that the Vet will Work with My Needs?

Interviewing your new vet can be the best way. Have them discuss their education, how they continue to educate themselves, and their belief system around caring for animals.

Make a Visit to the Facilities

Making a visit to the office, even without your pet, is a great way to scout the place out before committing to the facilities. Do the facilities seem clean and well-maintained? If not, it may be best to keep looking.

Is the Office Conveniently Located?

The last thing you want to worry about during an emergency with your pet is a long drive or trouble finding a location that’s not easily accessible from your home.

Final Considerations: Cost

This can be the first or last thing on a pet owner’s mind. Either way, it’s an important element. If you must make a lot of concessions for this place to work for you, it may not be the right vet’s office for your situation.

Make sure the investment you’ll make into this business will put your pet in the best hands possible.

If You’re in the Port Kennedy Area…

Even if you haven’t found the best personal vet yet, you can trust the Port Kennedy Veterinary Hospital.

If you have any questions about their many services, go ahead and contact them by phone, or email. You’re also welcome to drop by during our consulting hours, open every day from 9 am to noon Monday-Friday.