Lobster As A Pet – The Good & the Bad

Lobster As A Pet

Lobsters as a pet can be good and bad, depending on many factors. Once you go through this post, I am sure you will be able to decide if you should pet a lobster.

While lobsters may be exciting creatures, they are not suitable pets for most people. Here are some reasons why (also read why you should keep a pet lobster.)

  1. They require a specialized habitat: Lobsters require a tank with specific water conditions, including the correct temperature, pH level, and salinity. They also need hiding places and a substrate that mimics their natural environment.
  2. They can be aggressive: Lobsters are not social creatures and may become aggressive toward each other if kept in the same tank. They can also be aggressive towards other tank mates.
  3. They can be challenging to feed: Lobsters require a varied diet that includes meat and plant-based foods. They can also be picky eaters and may refuse certain foods.
  4. They require regular maintenance: Lobster tanks require frequent cleaning and water changes to maintain proper water conditions.
  5. They can live a long time: Some species of lobster can live for several decades, so you will need to commit to their care for a long time.

While lobsters can be fascinating creatures to observe, they are not recommended as pets for the average person. If you are interested in keeping lobsters, it is important to do thorough research and consult with a specialist to ensure you provide the proper care for these animals.

Reasons why lobster can be considered as a pet:

  1. Interest in marine life: If you are intensely interested in marine life, a lobster could be a fascinating creature to observe and learn about.
  2. Unique pet: Lobsters are not typical, so a lobster could fit the bill if you are looking for something unique and different.
  3. Conversation starter: If you entertain guests in your home, having a lobster as a pet could be a unique conversation starter and a way to showcase your interest in marine life.
  4. Personal satisfaction: Some people enjoy the challenge and joy of adequately caring for a unique and challenging animal like a lobster.

However, it is important to remember that owning a lobster pet requires significant time, effort, and resources to provide the appropriate environment and care for the animal. Additionally, it is important to ensure that the lobster is acquired from a reputable source and that keeping one as a pet in your area is legal.

The expected age of a lobster varies depending on the species and other factors such as habitat and diet. On average, lobster lifespan, or we can say that it lives for several decades, with some species known to live up to 100 years or more in the wild.

Here are some interesting facts about lobsters:

  1. Lobsters are crustaceans that belong to the same family as crabs and shrimp.
  2. Lobsters can range in color from greenish-brown to bright blue and red.
  3. Lobsters have a hard exoskeleton that they shed as they grow.
  4. Lobsters have two large claws, one for crushing and the other for cutting.
  5. Lobsters have a specialized digestive system, including a stomach, digestive gland, and intestine.
  6. Lobsters are considered a delicacy in many parts of the world and are often served in upscale restaurants.
  7. Lobsters are typically caught using lobster traps or nets.
  8. Lobsters are solitary animals and are not social creatures.
  9. Lobsters are sensitive to changes in water temperature and quality.
  10. Lobsters have been known to engage in cannibalism, especially in overcrowded or stressful conditions.

Overall, lobsters are fascinating creatures with unique biology and behaviors. However, they are unsuitable pets for most people due to their specialized care requirements and potentially aggressive behavior.

Species of Lobster

There are many different species of lobsters found throughout the world, but here are some of the most well-known species:

  1. American Lobster (Homarus americanus) – Found in the waters of the Atlantic Ocean, from Canada to North Carolina, this is one of the largest species of lobster and is often used in commercial fishing.
  2. European Lobster (Homarus gammarus) – Found in the eastern Atlantic Ocean, this species is similar to the American lobster but smaller in size.
  3. Spiny Lobster (Panulirus argus) – Found in the Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico, and the western Atlantic Ocean, this species lacks the large claws of other lobsters and instead has sharp spines on its carapace.
  4. Rock Lobster (Jasus species) – Found in the waters around Australia and New Zealand, this species has a spiny carapace and is often used in commercial fishing.
  5. California Spiny Lobster (Panulirus interruptus) – Found along the Pacific coast of North America, from California to Mexico, this species is similar to the Caribbean spiny lobster but is smaller in size.
  6. Slipper Lobster (Scyllarides latus) – Found in the Caribbean and western Atlantic waters, this species lacks claws and has a flat, vast body with a spiny carapace.
  7. Japanese Spiny Lobster (Panulirus japonicus) – Found in the waters around Japan, this species is similar to the California spiny lobster but is larger.

These are just a few of the many different species of lobsters globally. Each species has unique physical characteristics and behaviors that make them interesting and important to study.

Lobsters are omnivores and require a varied diet that includes animal- and plant-based foods. Here are some foods that are commonly fed to lobsters:

  1. Fish – Lobsters can be fed various fish, including herring, mackerel, and squid.
  2. Shrimp – Fresh or frozen shrimp can be fed to lobsters as part of their diet.
  3. Clams and mussels – Lobsters can eat small clams and mussels, either live or cooked.
  4. Algae and seaweed – Lobsters can be fed dried or fresh algae and seaweed, which provide important vitamins and minerals.
  5. Pellets – Commercially available lobster pellets can be fed to lobsters as a supplement to their diet.

It is important to provide a varied diet to ensure that lobsters receive all the necessary nutrients. It is also important to avoid overfeeding, as this can lead to poor water quality and health problems. Lobsters should be fed in small amounts, once or twice a week, depending on their size and appetite. Additionally, removing uneaten food from the tank is important to prevent water quality issues.

Setting up a suitable tank for a lobster requires careful consideration of several factors, including water quality, temperature, filtration, and hiding places. Here are some critical components of a lobster tank setup:

  1. Tank size – Lobsters require a large tank to move around and explore. A minimum of 30 gallons is recommended for a single adult lobster.
  2. Water quality – Lobsters are sensitive to changes in water quality, so it is crucial to maintain stable water parameters. The ideal water temperature for most lobster species is between 50-75°F (10-24°C), with a pH of 7.8-8.4 and a salinity of 1.023-1.027.
  3. Filtration – A powerful filtration system is important for maintaining water quality in a lobster tank. A canister or power filter is recommended, along with regular water changes.
  4. Substrate – Lobsters require a substrate that provides a natural environment and hiding places. Sand or crushed coral are good choices; they provide a natural look and allow lobsters to burrow.
  5. Hiding places – Lobsters are nocturnal and require hiding places to feel secure. Adding rocks, caves, and other structures to the tank can provide hiding places for the lobster.
  6. Lighting – Lobsters do not require special lighting, but low-intensity light can simulate natural daylight and provide a natural environment.
  7. Tank mates – Lobsters can be territorial and aggressive towards other tank mates, so it is important to choose compatible tank mates carefully. In general, fish and other invertebrates should be avoided.

It is important to research the specific care requirements for the species of lobster you plan to keep, as different species may have slightly different needs. Additionally, it is essential to monitor water quality regularly and make adjustments to ensure a healthy environment for the lobster.

When choosing tank mates for a lobster, it is vital to consider its territorial nature and aggressive behavior. Lobsters are known to attack and eat fish and other invertebrates, so keeping them in a species-only tank is generally recommended. However, if you do want to add tank mates, here are some options that may be compatible with lobsters:

  1. Large, aggressive fish – Some large, aggressive fish like triggerfish, puffers, and lionfish may be able to coexist with a lobster in a large tank with plenty of hiding places.
  2. Other crustaceans – Some other crustaceans, like crabs and shrimp, may be able to coexist with a lobster as long as they are roughly the same size and not aggressive.
  3. Sea stars and urchins – Sea stars and urchins can be good tank mates for lobsters, as they are not usually aggressive and can help keep the tank clean.

It is important to note that even with compatible tank mates, there is always a risk of aggression and predation. Therefore, it is essential to closely monitor the behavior of all tank mates and be prepared to separate them if necessary. Additionally, providing plenty of hiding places and space for each animal is vital to reduce stress and territorial behavior.

Some visible physical differences between male and female lobsters can help identify their gender:

  1. Claws – Male lobsters have more enormous, meatier claws than females. The claws are used for fighting and mating.
  2. Abdomen – The female lobster’s abdomen is broader than the male lobster’s, especially during the breeding season when it is full of eggs.
  3. Swimmerets – The swimmerets, small appendages under the tail, are longer and more curved in males than in females.
  4. Tail – The tail of a female lobster may be slightly narrower and more tapered than a male’s.

It is important to note that these differences may only be noticeable once the lobster reaches maturity, which can take several years. Additionally, eggs in female lobsters may affect their behavior and care requirements. Therefore, it is essential to research the specific care requirements for the species of lobster you plan to keep and to monitor your lobster’s behavior and physical appearance regularly.