How Recycling Works?


Do you know how recycling works?

Recycling is a process of reprocessing and reusing materials that are found in everyday household products, including plastic, paper, and metal products.

Recycling has a significant impact on the economy, the environment, and global warming. Through recycling, the costs of household goods are reduced, energy is conserved, and the emissions of harmful greenhouse gases that contribute to global warming are reduced. Recycling also ensures that products don’t end up in a landfill or worse — the environment.

How Recycling Works: The Benefits of Recycling

In 2015 alone, the U.S. created 6.3 billion tons of plastic waste. Of that plastic, only a staggering 9 percent was recycled. An estimated 79 percent was thrown into landfills or the environment.

Here are just some of the benefits of recycling:

  • The Conservation of National Resources: Recycling conserves natural resources, including timber, water, and metals. Fewer raw materials are used in the production of household goods when recycled materials are used.
  • Limits on Pollution: Recycling limits pollution by reducing the amount of new raw materials that must be collected and by reducing manufacturing processes.
  • Job Creation: Recycling helps create more jobs within the United States. 

Not convinced? Learn more about why you should begin recycling.

How Recycling Works: The Dos of Recycling 

Once you have committed to recycling, it is essential to understand how to recycle the right way. 

You can recycle common household goods such as:

  • Paper products.
  • Cardboard.
  • Food and beverage cans, bottles, and jugs.
  • Glass and plastic jars.
  • Glass and plastic food containers.

You should always wash out containers before recycling. Be sure that food and drink containers are free of potential contaminants. Check with your local recycling center to determine if you need to remove the lids from your plastic bottles before recycling.

While paper bags should be recycled, you cannot put them in general bins. Instead, you can take plastic bags to your local grocery store (where accepted) or find a drop off location near you.

How Recycling Works: The Don’ts of Recycling 

While it’s great to recycle, you must know what not to recycle. Soiled containers and unacceptable items can cause contamination, reducing what can be reused and lessening the impact recycling can have.

You should never recycle items such as:

  • Food, soiled containers, or soiled paper.
  • Propane tanks or cylinders.
  • Garden hoses.
  • Syringes, sewing needles, broken glass, broken light bulbs, and other potentially hazardous products.
  • Trash bags, zip lock bags, chip bags.

Is it recyclable? Recyclable symbols can be found on plastic bottles and containers. These symbols can help you determine whether or not the container or bottle can be recycled. 

How Junk Trash Removal Services Can Help

Now that you know how recycling works, it is vital to put this knowledge to use right away. If you have a lot of junk trash, recyclables, and everything in between — a commercial trash service might be just what you need.

Junk trash removal services allow you to start recycling on a clean slate. Once you have broken free from the recyclables that you may already have, you can begin to be more conscious of recycling moving forward. 

image credit: Recycling via manusapon kasosod/shutterstock