Know How to Heal Mind and Body through Chakra Meditation

The term chakra is a Sanskrit word which means wheel. Each of the Chakra is recognized as a focal point that is related to physical, emotional, and spiritual energy and acts as a network through which the body, mind, and spirit interacts as one complete system. In addition, each of them has a corresponding relationship gland of the body is the endocrine system. Our body has hundreds of small and large chakras that represents the energy centre. However, the seven of them running down the midline of the body are identified by spiritual traditions as most productive. Chakras are spinning energy vortexes.

Each chakra is the gatekeeper of the respective area and allows the energy to travel through us. When all the seven chakras are working smoothly, the flow of energy and vitality easily reaches where it is most needed.

The seven chakras have a particular function corresponding to the specific aspects of human experience. To maintain the physical and mental well-being, it is essential to keep chakras in balance in balance, and this is done through chakra meditation.

Why Do We Need Chakra Meditation

Block energy in any of the chakra, especially with 7 Chakra, leads to illness. To keep the energy flowing, you need chakra meditation. It propels you into the life you desire and deserve. The sole purpose of chakra meditation is to create wholeness within and bring the consciousness from physical, emotional, and mental aspects to a harmonious relationship. It allows you to acknowledge, accept, and integrate the different levels of your being.

Benefits of Chakra Meditation

  • Maintains a balance between mind and body
  • Include health and well-being
  • Greater connection to sense of self
  • Faster and greater ability to Police physical mental and emotional issues
  • Increase memory, awareness, and concentration
  • Better sleep
  • Positive outlook, thoughts, perception of behaviour and understanding
  • Sense of self-confidence, self-esteem, and self-worth
  • Heightened creativity
  • Better perception and better resource fullness

Know Your Chakras

Before you start the chakra meditation, it is essential to know your Chakras. Chakras pull universal energy to the innermost points of our body to maintain ease and balance physical, mental, and metaphysical systems both in and around our body.

The seven Chakras in descending order are:

The Crown Chakra

Position – Top of the head

Colour – Violet

When the crown chakra is balanced, we commune with divine oneness. It powers the connection between you and the world. In makes us understand the mystery of the universe and receive an understanding of what we are. Healthy crown chakra leads to well-being and peace.

The balanced crown chakra is vital for conscious living and awareness. Besides, it helps us to live in the present moment and trust our inner guidance.

The emotional symptoms of crown chakra imbalance include anxiety, lack of satisfaction, constant confusion, fear, depression, and problems with power and self-knowledge.

The physical symptoms of crown chakra imbalance include and sensitivity to light sound and environment and loss of weight.

Third Eye Chakra

Position – Between the eyes, just above the junction of our eyebrows.

Colour – Indigo

Third eye chakra is in charge of intuition on both mundane and spiritual level and of insight. It allows us to see both inside ourselves and around us.

In a balanced state, the third eye chakra increases awareness and truthful vision. Balance third eye chakra helps us to see how the world around us is, making it easy to understand our place in the universe. It brings clarity in thought, wisdom, and vision.

A balanced third eye chakra keeps us focused and clear and helps us determine the difference between illusion and truth.

The emotional symptoms of third eye chakra imbalance include moodiness, confusion, volatility, inability to think over and accept other’s views, and problems with self-reflection.

The physical symptoms of unbalanced third eye chakra include migraine, eye problems, sinus issues, blurred vision, hearing loss, eyestrain, seizures, hormonal imbalance nightmares, and headaches.

Throat Chakra

Position – Located in the throat near the thyroid glands.

Colour – Blue

The throat chakra governs self-expression and communication. It is associated with creativity and self-expression. Balanced throat chakra helps us share inspiration and truth, and we feel free to express our ideas, feelings, and thoughts.

Throat Chakra imbalance causes a wide range of physical issues, from hormonal imbalance to susceptibility to the infection such as thyroid problem, a sore throat, TMJ,  irritated sinus, gum and teeth problems, asthma, mouth ulcer, facial problem, laryngitis, ear infection, neck and shoulder pain, jaw pain and nervousness.

Emotional symptoms of throat chakra imbalance include a feeling of isolation. Besides, there is an inability to express or communicate and believe in your creativity.

Heart Chakra

Position – Located at the centre of the cardiovascular system and is tied to the other organs surrounding it

Colour – Green

A balanced and unblocked heart chakra creates an emotional connection with others and makes you feel compassion, joy, acceptance, gratitude, love, and peace.

Heart chakra imbalance leads to physical symptoms such as high blood pressure and respiratory problems, asthma, allergy, heart issues, breast diseases, pain in the upper back, breast and arm, shoulder problems, and immune disorders.

Emotional symptoms of heart chakra imbalance include losing empathy, compassion, and love for ourselves as well as others. It leads to negative emotions such as bitterness, jealousy, anger, fear of loneliness, and suffocation.

Solar Plexus Chakra 

Position – Above the navel.

Colour- Yellow

Solar plexus chakra is fundamental to digestion, but it also has a spiritual and mental role. If it is balanced, you can embrace the experiences and understand your place. It is associated with holding the willpower, self-control, performance, and self-acceptance. Balanced solar plexus chakra makes you feel self-compassionate, calm, assertive, optimistic, and confident.

Besides, you have strong instincts, gut feelings, and inner strength.

Solar plexus imbalance leads to poor concentration, memory, and stress. Other emotional symptoms of imbalance include the issues with self-worth, the physical appearance, will power, fear of criticism, and rejection.

The physical symptoms of the imbalance of solar plexus include pancreas and liver diseases, chronic fatigue, diabetes, high blood pressure, gallstone, gluten intolerance, stomach ulcers, gastrointestinal diseases, and liver diseases.

Sacral chakra

Position – Situated 5cm below the belly button.

Colour – Orange

The sacral chakra is the seat of creativity, sensuality, and sexuality. When the sacral chakra is balanced, there is the union of soul, body, and divine and makes you feel passionate, creative, pleasurable, committed, able to enjoy sex and abundant.

The sacral chakra governs the imagination and functions of reproductive organs. 

Sacral chakra imbalance leads to eating disorders, no sex drive, urinary problems, menstrual problems, pain in the lower back pelvis and hip and irritable bowel syndrome.

The emotional symptoms of sacral chakra imbalance include low self-esteem, dependency, and addiction, fear of betrayal, inability to control emotions, inability to express, and inability to connect with people.

Root Chakra

Position – Base of the spine

Colour – red

Root Chakra is associated with the safety, security, vitality, and health of our physical body and mental state. It makes us feel safe and widens the connection with the world and our fundamental needs of shelter food and stability. When root Chakra is working optimally, it makes you feel supported, grounded, and connected with the physical world.

The physical symptoms of imbalanced root chakra include problems with the digestive system, prostate gland, male reproductive parts, tailbone, rectum, legs, and feet.

Emotional symptoms of imbalanced root chakra include depression, worry, anxiousness, addictions, and abandoned.

How To Do Chakra Meditation

You can easily practice chakra meditation by following the eight steps discussed below.

Eight steps to practice chakra meditation

  1. The very first step is to sit in a comfortable position. Keep your spine straight. Focus on your feet and then moving up work on each body part. Relax and de-stress the body parts.
  2. The second step is to focus on breathing. Take deep breaths. Do not force yourself and be steady. Your mind may wander but bring in back to focus on breathing. While inhalation visualize that, the oxygen is filling your lungs, passing into the bloodstream and nourishing each cell of the body. While exhaling, imagine the removal of body toxins. Become aware of the fact that each breath living is giving force that sustains all the parts of the body as a whole.
  3. The next step is to bring your focus to your heart. Visualize your heart beating and functioning perfectly to work together with all the body parts in complete harmony.
  4. Now imagine a yellow-orange coloured life-giving energy encompassing your entire body and increasing your aura. Imagine that your aura is growing brighter, stronger, and charged by the life-giving power. Make sure to do this step gradually so that your aura gets brighter little by little with each breadth.
  5. The fifth step is to energize the individual chakra. We will start with the root chakra in the lower back. Imagine root chakra as a swirl of energy. With each breath, you are feeding this swirl and making it brighter and stronger. Also, imagine one more source of energy is coming from the earth to add swirling energy to the root chakra.

6. Next move up to the sacral chakra and then up to the solar plexus chakra, heart chakra, throat chakra, head chakra and finally infuse the crown chakra with the life-saving energy. Take your time at each chakra.

* Make sure to start up with energizing the sacral chakra.

*Do not skip energizing any chakra because each chakra influences each other, and energizing a higher Chakra before the lower chakra can have an adverse effect.

7.  The last step is to visualize all your chakra fed with life energy coming from the breath and the Earth. All the chakras are now supercharged, clear, and brighter.

8. The final step is to relax for a couple of minutes and then open your eyes slowly.

After completing chakra meditation, pay attention to how incredible and energized your body feels.

How Often We Should Practice Chakra Meditation

Practice chakra meditation for 15 to 30 minutes in each sitting. Daily or once in a week.

We have tried to cover all information regarding chakra meditation. If you any queries ad to the comment section below.