How to Write a Dissertation? 


If you are feeling slightly overwhelmed by the prospect of writing a dissertation, ask yourself this. Do you think everybody else in your position isn’t feeling the same? Imagining what the final result will look like seems far too distant and this could lead one to start panicking, but fear not. By the time you have finished reading this article, you will feel well-placed to write the best dissertation you can.

The Importance of the Dissertation

The dissertation is a very special paper. This is your opportunity to prove to professors and peers, as well as yourself that you have achieved a level of academic excellence, which for the vast majority of students consists of writing about a topic related to their field of study. The dissertation is the last step before getting a degree; the final, culminating piece of work all college students are required to write and present. 

What is a Dissertation?

A dissertation is a research (or independent) paper that utilizes primary and secondary sources to discuss or explore something specific. The most common topics discussed in dissertations are psychology, philosophy, history, literature, education, and all different kinds of science. You can use essay writing service to help you with your project.

Tips on how to write a good dissertation

Now that we’ve got that out of the way, let’s discuss some tips on how to write a good dissertation. 

Your objective needs to be very clear

Your thesis is going to be a lengthy piece of work, so from the very beginning a few things need to be made very clear. What is the aim of your study, and what is the main outcome of your findings? The details will come later and here you will get the opportunity to use a more expansive vocabulary, but at the beginning engage the writer, and it will then be up to them if they want to continue reading or not.

Imagine reading a 10,000-word document and not being sure what the point of the whole thing is? This should be your number one concern.

Use a friend to help each other

Writing a thesis alone can be a lonely place, so it is a great idea to use a close friend to sound ideas off. Even better if it is another student in the same position as you, as they know exactly what you are going through. You can then voice the objective and structure of your dissertation, and they in turn will give you hopefully honest feedback. If any of your friends are doing their dissertations, it is likely that they might do something that you would like to take inspiration from, which will make your final work even stronger.

Research is King

There are so many people these days who are more focused on their writing than what they have to say. Both need to be to the highest standard possible, but it will be clear to the professor if you did the appropriate amount of research or not.

The ideal situation would be to have too much information and material, meaning that you are only left with the best bits. You are given a long time to write your thesis, and you should do most of your research. When you know exactly what you want to write about, you might be surprised by how less stressful the process becomes.

It should go without saying, but if you are writing an academic thesis, then it should include authoritative sources. You will also need to cite them in your work. Without doing this, your eventual score will be affected drastically.

Structure your life to help you

One thing you don’t want this to become is life-consuming. Therefore, you will need to structure your life to the point where the only time you are thinking about the thesis is when you are working on it. There are enough hours in the day so you don’t have to sacrifice your social life or do anything differently. The only thing you really need to do is to use your time efficiently.


The main piece of advice we could give you is to remain calm and make sure you know exactly what you want your thesis to look like when it is complete. Because the nature of this work is very long, you can’t start and hope that everything will fall into place.