Italian Firm Developed DNA Based COVID 19 Vaccine that neutralises virus in human cells

DNA Based COVID 19 Vaccine

Various researches are speeding up all across the world to find the vaccine for the world pandemic COVID 19. According to the Italian news agency ANSA, the scientist of an Italian firm Takis claimed that they have successfully developed the DNA Based COVID 19 vaccine.

“The team of Takis conducted the test on mice in Rome’s infectious-disease Spallanzani Hospital, and after a single vaccination, they have successfully managed to developed the antibodies that will block the infection of the virus in the human cells” ANSA news agency reported.


The CEO of Takis firm Luigi Aurisicchio told media, “This is the most advanced stage of testing of a candidate vaccine created in Italy. As far as we know, we are among the first in the world to have demonstrated the neutralization of the coronavirus by a vaccine. We believe this will also happen in humans,” “To reach our goal, we need the support of national and international institutions and partners who may help us speed up the process,” Aurisicchio gave the statement.

Vaccine Trials

Scientist and researchers of Takis have claimed that the vaccine candidate mice has become one of the successful candidates who neutralized the SARS-CoV2 virus in animal models. After the successful trial on animals, the firm is planning to start DNA Based COVID 19 Vaccine human trials after this summer.

Covid 19 Vaccine Trial

The Italian firms is now looking for funding and collaborations to take it on the next level of human testing. The firm has made partnership with New York-based Applied DNA Sciences Inc for manufacturing the vaccine for both clinical and non clinical trials.

DNA Based COVID 19 Vaccine

On Tuesday, the Israel Minister Bennet also claimed that they have developed COVID 19 Monoclonal Antibody by IIBR but the human trial procedure is not confirmed yet. Oxford University COVID 19 Vaccine Phase 1 Human trial has already started from 23rd April and they are claiming to get it ready by November 2020.

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