Why Do Businesses Need a YouTube Marketing Strategy?


Photo by Sara Kurfeß on Unsplash

In this digital world, having a business and going online now go hand-in-hand, just like peanut butter and jelly. Many businesses leverage their own websites or social media platforms to get their brand off the ground. And when we talk about social media platforms, YouTube is always worth mentioning.

YouTube has now become so much more than a video-sharing platform. With more than 2.5 billion monthly users worldwide, the home of video has quickly become a marketing channel for businesses to take advantage of. More than 62% of businesses use YouTube as a channel to post video content.

Now, a question that is on everyone’s lips: why do businesses need a YouTube marketing strategy?

We’ve listed some reasons below.

#1. The Second-Largest Search Engine Worldwide

YouTube is the second-largest search engine in the world, right behind Google.

This shouldn’t come as a surprise, as we all know how easy it is to find videos on any topic on YouTube. You type in a keyword, and voila– You have a list of related videos at your disposal, which makes it an excellent platform for businesses to connect with their target audiences.

In other words, uploading your videos on the platform means that you have a good chance of getting in front of your target audience.

#2. Heavy Traffic

Being the world’s second-largest search engines translates to heavy traffic. YouTube is growing exponentially, now with more than 30,000 hours of newly uploaded content per hour. As a business, this is an excellent opportunity for you to get in front of your target market and boost brand awareness.

#3. Improve SERP Rankings With Video SEO

Google loves videos and often gives them a first-page ranking over traditional text pages. This is especially true if your videos are properly optimized.

YouTube allows you to add transcripts and descriptions to your videos, which helps with your SEO efforts.  You can also include links to your website in the description box below each video, furthering your SEO goals.

#4. Cost-Effective Marketing

YouTube marketing is one of the most cost-effective ways to reach out to a target audience. It doesn’t cost you a fortune to create a channel and be active on the platform. All you need is a webcam or smartphone, and you’re good to go! You don’t have to spend thousands of dollars on expensive equipment or edit videos for hours on end.

In addition, YouTube provides a platform for you to get creative with your marketing campaigns without breaking the bank. You can run ads on YouTube, but you don’t have to– There are plenty of other ways to market your business on the platform without spending a dime.

#5. Convenient Advertising

You can target potential customers with laser precision on YouTube. The platform provides a variety of options that allow you to specify exactly who you want to see your ad– all based on demographics, interests, and even location.

You can also choose the length of your ad and specify how often you want it to be shown. This level of convenience and customization is rare in other marketing channels.

#6. Improve Brand Recognition & Recall

YouTube videos are an excellent way to improve brand recognition and recall.

People are more likely to remember your brand if they can see it rather than just read about it or hear about it on the radio. And what better way to show off your brand than with a video?

If you’re curious about how often people see your videos, you can check out YouTube’s “Watch Time” metric. This metric measures how much time viewers spend watching your videos and gives you an idea of how Engaging your content is.

#7. Understand Your Audiences

When you use YouTube, you get an insight into your target audience that you can’t get from most other marketing channels. With YouTube Analytics, you can see the demographic information of your viewers, what type of content they’re interested in, how long they watch your videos and more.

This valuable information allows you to adjust your content strategy and produce the types of videos that your target market wants to see.

#8. Multiple Video Types

YouTube was well-known as the home for long videos. But, now that there are YouTube Shorts, businesses can also post short, to-the-point videos as well.

This feature is excellent news for businesses because it allows you to be flexible with the type of content you produce and ensures that there’s something for everyone.

Not to mention, YouTube Shorts are perfect for those who have a limited budget or don’t have the time to produce longer videos.

So, whether it’s a product video, FAQ video, behind-the-scenes video, live streaming, how-to video, or explainer video, YouTube is the place to be. Consider using a robust video editor like FlexClip to create any type of YouTube video.

#9. Increase Engagement & Social Shares

YouTube is a social platform, which means that people can interact with your videos and even share them with their friends and followers.

This level of engagement is beneficial for businesses because it allows you to increase brand awareness and reach a larger audience. Plus, when people share your videos, it’s like getting free advertising.

#10. Create an Image of Authority

When you have a well-managed channel and informative videos on YouTube, it helps to create an image of authority in your industry. This is because you’re seen as an expert in your field– someone who is worth listening to.

As a result, people are more likely to do business with you and recommend your products or services to others.


As you can see, there are many reasons why businesses need a YouTube marketing strategy. If you’re not already on the platform, now is the time to create a channel and start sharing your videos with the world.

Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day. It takes time, effort, and patience to grow a successful YouTube channel. But, if you produce quality content and are consistent with your uploads, you’ll be on your way to success in no time.


Andre Oentoro is the founder of Breadnbeyond, an award-winning explainer video company. He helps businesses increase conversion rates, close more sales, and get positive ROI from explainer videos (in that order).

Twitter: @breadnbeyond

Email: [email protected]

LinkedIn: Andre Oentoro