How to start a street food cart business

street food cart

Did you know that Europeans buy about 9 kg of ice cream each year on average?

The same holds true for the United States: Every year, the average American consumes 22 pounds of ice cream.In point of fact, there is such a strong demand for ice cream that the ice cream industry produces more than 870 million gallons of it annually, generating over $5 billion just in 2014.

However, before setting up your very own mobile ice cream shop, you need to be aware of a few crucial aspects that are unique to this market. By the time you are finished reading this post, you should have a clear understanding of the steps you need to take to turn your love of ice cream into a new source of monthly income. Therefore, shall we commence?

How to Start a Business Selling Ice Cream

Things to Think About:

Obstacles and Unseen Opportunities Just like any other vending business, operating an tricycle ice cream cart presents unique obstacles and opportunities, and it is entirely up to you to make the most of them.

For instance, the city council’s street food regulations, which typically address the equipment and trading locations of ice cream carts, pose the greatest obstacles for owners.

Additionally, seasonal restrictions should be taken into consideration:

Selling ice cream outside would be difficult, to say the least, if you live in an area where the weather is usually cold and wet most of the time. The limitations of an ice cream cart business are clear when you factor in the ease of cnc mold supermarket shopping.

However, the adage “when one door closes, another one opens” holds true in this instance: Catering to fairs, private events, and parties are common ways that many ice cream cart vendors circumvent these restrictions. Additionally, our clients claim that renting the ice cream cart for birthday parties and weddings is one of the most lucrative sub-niches.

An ice cream cart business also has low start-up costs, high profit margins, little waste, and a low skill requirement (unless you make the ice cream yourself).

Find Out What a Street Food Vendor Needs to Know About the Law

A lot of research and preparation will go a long way, as different countries and even cities have different laws about street food vendors.

Not only do the legal requirements dictate what and where you can sell; They also decide what equipment goes in your vending machine. We frequently modify our carts, including ice cream vending carts, to comply with regulations regarding waste disposal, hot and cold water supply, and other issues.

Therefore, the first thing you should do is get in touch with your area’s Department of Environmental Services or Health Department and address the following concerns:

  • The rules for street food vendors in your city;
  • The kinds of food you’ll be selling, as well as how you’ll prepare, store, and serve them;
  • Requirements for a commissary (the need to operate from a licensed commercial kitchen)*;
  • The ice cream vending cart’s dimensions, brand, and equipment;
  • Capacity of the cart to hold waste water and fresh water;
  • Requirement for a safe food handling course;
  • Sanitary practices;
  • Inspection of the equipment prior to approval.

* The majority of municipalities in the United States require the use of a commissary, which is a licensed and inspected commercial kitchen, in order for street food vendors to operate a food service business from a residential kitchen. Each day of operation, vendors are required to report to the commissary to clean the cart’s equipment and prepare the food that will be served from the cart floating pier for sale. Check, however, to see if this applies to your situation because you will be selling frozen desserts.

You should contact the Business License Department to learn what you need to get your business license after learning about the health and safety requirements.

Check to see if there is a maximum number of signs you are allowed to use if you intend to advertise on mobile billboards.