Making Your Newsletters More Engaging To Readers


The best newsletters are those that create a conversation with the reader and entice them to engage with you on more than just a casual level. Making your newsletters more engaging will help you create a stronger relationship with your audience and make it more likely to see your web pages and take action.

What is a newsletter? A newsletter is an excellent way to engage with your target audience, but newsletters by themselves aren’t as engaging as they could be. Here are some simple steps you can take to make your newsletters more interesting and effective:

Choose An Engaging Subject Line

Change the subject line of your message. When it comes to e-mails that people receive on a daily basis or a specific timeline a new and engaging subject line is a great way to get them to read your newsletter and nothing else.

Adding a question to the subject line of your message increases open rates by 19% according to Campaign Monitor, which means that people will be more likely to see what you want them to know. You can also add other words such as ‘announcement’ to the subject line of your message in order to get people’s attention.


How To Write A Newsletter In A Conversational Way

Consider using a conversational tone when it comes to writing your newsletter. In other words, try not to sound like you are dictating information from on high. People want good information, but they also want to be treated as intelligent members of society who can think for themselves.

Include a picture with your newsletter. A simple picture or snapshot can add vividness and clarity to your message, making people more likely to read what you have to say.

Adding Ideas To Your Newsletter

Include lists in your newsletter. Lists are easy for people to understand and they make your newsletter look more organized. The last thing you want is for people to think that you can’t get a grip on what you are talking about, so make sure that everything in your newsletter is clearly defined and well written.

Include a call-to-action when it comes to writing your newsletters. A call-to-action tells people exactly what they should do next. It might be as simple as asking them to reply with their thoughts on a certain topic or it might include telling them to take a specific action.

Make sure that you proofread your newsletters before sending them out into the world. You don’t want people thinking that you are unprofessional or that you don’t care about what you are doing.

Find Something New To Write To Your Newsletter

Don’t forget that people want to be entertained as well as informed when they receive your newsletters. A little bit of humor goes a long way in making people engaged and eager to read anything else that you send them.

Add new ideas to your newsletters. If you are always rehashing the same information in each newsletter, people are going to grow tired of reading them. Find something new that will interest your audience and share it with them – they will appreciate learning about what interests them.


How To Make A Newsletter Readable

Make it easy for people to read your newsletter. Use bullet-point lists and short paragraphs so that people are less likely to skim over the information. For example, if you have an exciting new product, break it down into its component parts so that readers can easily see what’s being offered.

Keep track of how many newsletters your subscribers actually read. This might be news to many e-mail marketers, but two-thirds of all newsletters are never even opened! Use your newsletter analytics program to monitor how many times your messages are being read so that you can send out the information people want to know about.

Research Newsletter Examples

If you want to engage with people more personally, you can even ask them to write their own ideas for your newsletter or research newsletter examples as a reference. The best ones will appear in the next newsletter that you send out, and it is always good for people to feel like they are part of something bigger than themselves.

Remember this simple rule: if people aren’t interested in what you have to say, they will mark your newsletter as spam. This is a simple way for people to get rid of your e-mails without unsubscribing from your mailing list so that they never have to see another message from you again.

However, if people do mark your newsletters as spam, don’t just send them another message right away. Wait for a new monthly newsletter to arrive in their inbox, and then consider sending them something else.

You can visit Venngage for a lot of newsletter examples!


One of the biggest challenges for your business is figuring out how to engage your readers. The more engaged they are, the better chance you have at converting them into customers. One simple way to make this happen is through newsletters and email marketing campaigns.