Launching Your Blog in 2022 Makes Sense Even If You Feel Like It Doesn’t

Having a Blog

2000st, the web is full of new names. Those people are the first generation of influencers who, without a word of a lie, changed the world. Remember what power minimalism had some years ago or how many people believed in self-motivation? 

It’s easy to say that this era is gone for good as everything should be… But what if we look at blogging wrongly? We believe that in 2022, all ideas are come up with, and there’s no place for more craziness.

Blogs as a form of self-realization and self-discovery are not dead at all. Maybe, it’s much harder to have an effect on the web with only an online journal remaining, but with the right tools and mindset, everything is possible. 

In this article, we want to share thoughts on why you should launch your blog today, tomorrow, and every day from now! 

Main Reasons Why Having a Blog Does Not Make You Crazy 

Garbage is not garbage. 

It’s called a trash can, not a “trash cannot”. 

We’re going mad trying to assure you that having a blog makes sense! 

Google is a big library. Its algorithms are absolutely spontaneous which means that you have no idea what the work of yours can actually work. We’ve collected a few main whys 2022 may be the best year to start your blog: 

  • More platforms are available. You can easily buy TikTok likes or target your audience on Instagram
  • Trends are changing so rapidly that even the most lunatic sites become №1 all the time
  • Less pressure on creators since we’re in the era of self-love
  • A blog may become the best place to express yourself and show the world your talent

Ideas in the Right Hands Change the World 

According to the GLOBE NEWSWIRE, the market focused on content creation is going to reach the amount of 24160m American dollars by 2027! To compare, in 2021 its index was much lower. How do you like 12400m? 

This growth is unbelievable for something that’s called “not trendy anymore”. Becoming a part of such a big market is an undeniably good idea since ideas are what sell there. Even though it feels like the total of creators is extra already, believe us, we’re not even in the middle. 

So grab your pencil and go create your thing! 

Are Blogs Actually This Good for Mental Health? 

Can we call content creation good for the people who work on it? Is the artist’s obsession with their work a healthy movement? Is it possible to make your platform a comfortable cozy place for you?

We have no answers. But we have many different opinions to analyze. For example, some bloggers are quitting because of the toxic environment, as happened with the “queen of YouTube” Jenna Marbles.  

On the other hand, people find themselves, quit 9:5 jobs for their passions, and become brand new people who influence others. Not even talking about the money side of having a strong platform, for some being famous is good as it is. 

Launching your blog or not, it’s your choice and decision only. But we have all the proof that novelty matters, even in the craziest 2022!