How Can Pre-Employment Drug Screenings Benefit You?

Drug Screenings

Drug testing is a requirement for employment at many companies across the country – and for good reason. Drug and alcohol-addled workers pose a danger not just to customers and coworkers, but to the entire community.

Taking drugs during the workday will also result in less productivity, more mistakes, violence, and fatal accidents, especially if the job involves operating machinery or driving.

Our background checking experts at associates can help you set up a pre-employment policy for drugs and substances. The Barada Group has been providing pre-employment background checks to businesses across the country for over 100 years.

Pre-employment drug testing: How does it work?

The prospect typically undergoes a pre-employment drug test after accepting an offer, but before beginning their new job. A urine drug test is the most common type of pre-employment drug test, but hair tests, blood tests, and saliva tests may also be used.

A drug test requirement should be mentioned early in the hiring process so people know it is a requirement for employment. Most drug users will not apply for a job at your company or organisation if you mention the requirement for a pre-employment drug test in your job application.

A nationwide network of reputable national laboratories processes five-panel and 10-panel urinalysis, hair testing, and breathalyser drug tests conducted by Barada Associates. For companies with appropriate policies and experience administering pre-employment drug tests, Barada offers instant-read tests for immediate results at your place of business.

The Numbers Behind Drug Screening

Positive drug tests in the workplace are on the rise, according to the National Drug-Free Workplace Alliance. Marijuana was the most commonly detected drug among the general workforce, with a positivity rate of 5.1 percent in 2018. According to the National Drug-Free Workplace Alliance, the drug test positivity rate among the non-safety-sensitive workforce in the United States is at 4.5 percent, the highest rate since 2004.

Productivity Increase

The use of drugs at work has many negative effects, including reduced productivity. By weeding out potential employers who are more likely to use drugs, pre-employment drug testing can help improve absenteeism levels, low morale, and job performance.

Workplace safety

People who drive, handle heavy machinery, manage other employees, or handle sensitive information may find themselves in a dangerous situation when under the influence of alcohol.

In addition to increasing accident rates, drugs may impair decision-making and reduce reaction time on the job. Employees are safer, more positive, and healthier in a workplace where pre-employment drug screenings are conducted.

Employers can save money

A company’s bottom line will improve if it hires drug-free workers. The cost of unproductive employees, as well as terminated workers for drug use, causes companies to find replacements. A company’s healthcare costs will rise as a result of drug users’ frequent medical needs.

Liability is reduced

A workplace injury or death can result in steep financial costs for employers if one of their employees causes it. It may not be possible for employers to accurately identify people who may pose a risk to the workplace or community without pre-employment drug testing. Legal liability will also be reduced by reducing the risk of dangerous accidents.