6 Things to Do for Your Mental Health

Mental Health

Were you aware that 5.6% of U.S. adults — 14.2 million people or one in 20 adults — experienced severe mental illness in 2020? 

Whether you or someone you know has ever experienced mental health issues, you know it’s essential to seek help. Going to your doctor can help since they can recommend specialists especially equipped to help people struggling with mental unwellness. 

Nothing is a substitute for seeking medical assistance. But consider incorporating one or more of these six suggestions into your wellness regimen. It might be just what you need.

1. Exercise

Everyone knows that exercise is essential. But did you know that getting enough physical activity can improve your mental health? You can lessen anxiety and depression, and you can enhance cognitive function and self-esteem. Exercise will do your body and your mind good. 

How much exercise should you strive for? A rule of thumb is to aim for no less than half an hour of moderate physical activity daily. But you’ll want to do even more if you want to lose weight.

2. Rest

If you want to improve your mental health, get quality sleep nightly. Proper sleep is connected to better emotional and mental health. Failing to get enough sleep can increase the odds of experiencing depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety, and other mental health issues. 

Are you experiencing difficulty getting enough quality sleep? See your doctor for help. Some people have sleep disorders, like insomnia, that make it hard to fall asleep or enjoy quality sleep. A diagnosis is the first step in helping you to acheive the sort of sleep that’ll positively impact your health.

3. IV Hydration Therapy

Another option to consider is IV hydration therapy. Find a company that offers this treatment option and enquire about what it would recommend for mental health issues. When you book an IV therapy treatment, a medical professional can administer the right IV infusion. You’ll get a solution with magnesium sulfate to reduce your blood pressure. That can help reduce any anxiety episodes, relax your muscles, and help you get quality sleep. Book a consultation with a provider of IV therapy to see what it would suggest to help with your mental health issues.

4. Gratitude

Don’t underestimate the power of positive thoughts and an attitude of gratitude. Positive thinking is about looking for the silver lining in unpleasant situations. Don’t dwell on what bad things might happen. Be prepared for the worst but plan for the best. If you’re negative in your thinking, you’ll worsen any mental health problems. 

While you’re at it, surround yourself with positive people who’ll uplift you rather than drag you down with negativity. You might be surprised at how a positive outlook and some supportive people can help turn things around.

5. Food and Drink

According to one source, eating and drinking healthy foods and drinks might improve symptoms of mental health issues. But bad eating and drinking habits can make mental health disorders worse, which is something you don’t want. Consider that some food and drink can clash with medicines used to treat people with mental health issues. If in doubt, consult with your doctor to see if there are certain things you should avoid when on medication.

6. Set Priorities and Goals

It’s also essential that you set goals and priorities, and don’t overdo things. Don’t assume that you have to do everything on your plate right away. Some things can go on the back burner, and there’s nothing wrong with saying “no” if someone asks you something that’ll take too much out of you. Anything that can’t be done today can be put off until tomorrow. It’s not about procrastinating. What you want is to set realistic goals and not allow yourself to be overwhelmed.

Mental health is a serious issue. But the good news is that there’s something you can do about it. The first thing you should do is contact your doctor to explain what you’re going through. In addition to whatever your doctor recommends, you can try the suggestions mentioned above. Incorporating them into your life can make a big difference in your mental health.