The Best Food for Brain Work: What to Eat as a Student during Exams

Best Food

You are a student, and therefore you spend all your time on two things – study and entertainment. And when to find time for food? It is extremely important for a student not to forget about eating. And during the end-of-term exams, you also need to know what brings the most benefit to your brain, because you spend a lot of energy and resources to prepare for exams. While studying, various writing services can help with homework, or provide essay help. However, you will have to take the exams yourself. So you need to take care of the right ration these days. Next, we talk about what food is most necessary for your brain during a busy exam period.

Fats – salvation from dementia

60% of our brain cells are made up of fats, so fats are necessary for its better functioning.

What “fatty” foods do our brains need? Those that contain Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids. Foods rich in these fatty acids help create and maintain cell membranes. Simply put, “healthy fats” save us from dementia.

One of the world’s largest private medical centers, Mayo, conducted a study to determine the risk of dementia in people on various diets. So, if on the popular high-carbohydrate this risk is equal to 89%, on the high-fat it is reduced to 44% (although the main conclusion – should not be limited to fats or carbohydrates).

Unfortunately, our body is not able to independently produce Omega-3 and Omega-6 acids, so they must be found in appropriate products. We suggest which ones.

Products saturated with fatty acids:

  • Pumpkin seeds. Saturated with zinc; vitamin B and magnesium, which helps fight stress.
  • Fatty fish. Contains active forms of eicosapentaenoic (EPA) and docosahexaenoic (DHA) acids, which are very easily absorbed by our body. Studies have shown that low levels of DHA can lead to the development of Alzheimer’s disease.
  • Walnuts. They even look like a cerebellum, so will we doubt their benefits at all? Walnuts are also rich in vitamin E, which helps prevent cognitive decline.

Proteins and amino acids are a treasure for a student

They can be called the main block of nutrients that affect our feelings and behavior. Amino acids are responsible for such important functions of the human body as sleep, feelings, concentration and weight.

Products to help improve attention and memory:

  • Blueberries. According to research at Taft University, consumption of blueberries is effective in preventing multiple sclerosis.
  • Spinach. The sailor Papay actively promoted this product, emphasizing that it gives a person extraordinary opportunities. And now you know that it is good for the brain.
  • Coffee. Coffee beans are rich in antioxidants and amino acids, and some studies have even shown that coffee is an excellent prevention of Alzheimer’s disease. But you can not overdo it with coffee. One cup of strong aromatic drink will be enough to charge the gyri.
  • Cocoa. A great drink for long winter evenings. And cocoa beans contain flavanol. It is an antioxidant that improves brain function and also protects it from oxidative processes.

Glucose is the fuel for the brain

Although the brain makes up only 2% of the human body, it consumes almost 20% of its energy resources. In order to constantly saturate the body with fuel, we need to eat carbohydrates. But it is necessary to separate useful products saturated with sugar, and not so useful. For example, white bread can cause a very rapid flow of glucose into our blood and brain, which at first glance seems a good factor – the sooner your blood is saturated with sugar, the faster you complete all the tasks you have planned for the day. But the energy from foods like white bread disappears as quickly as it appears, after which your productivity decreases and your mood deteriorates.

Brown rice, bran bread, legumes, pasta – all products with a low glycemic index, which release glucose more slowly into the blood, thus helping not to lose the necessary concentration during the working day. If you want to be an active and attentive person, fill the kitchen with grain.

Trace elements are new life for brain cells

Vitamins and antioxidants in various fruits and vegetables provide our brain with fruitful and long work, as well as help fight free radicals that destroy its cells. You must now have a logical question: “What are free radicals?” (Medical students may not read the answer). These are unstable chemical compounds that act as oxidants, destroying important cells in the body. Here is a simple example: when we leave an iron object on the street for a long time, it begins to rust under the influence of time under the influence of various factors. Something similar happens to our body: we breathe – our cells are oxidized – vitamins and antioxidants help us to restore them. That’s how we live!

Folic acid, iron, zinc, copper and sodium – all this is necessary for the health of the brain, as well as for the development of its cognitive abilities. Recent studies have shown that vitamins B6, B12 and folic acid reduce the level of homocysteine ​​in the blood, which can cause cognitive disorders as well as Alzheimer’s disease.

Products with essential trace elements for the brain:

  • Eggs. A real treasure trove filled with B vitamins and folic acid. If you do not have the opportunity (or desire) to eat eggs every day, then these trace elements are also present in chicken and fish.
  • Tomatoes. Contains the powerful antioxidant lycopene, which helps fight free radicals.
  • Broccoli. Enriched with vitamin K, which increases brain function. Broccoli also contains a large amount of glucosinolate, which slows down the breakdown of acetylcholine. It is a neurotransmitter that helps our memory stay sharp.

Balancing a healthy diet

University is a pivotal time for young people in terms of eating choices and their relationship with weight gain. According to some research, college students gain more weight than individuals who do not attend university.

Despite the major consequences of healthy eating on general long-term health, many college students have poor dietary habits, such as a high intake of fast meals and other high-fat foods, a low intake of fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy products, and unpredictable eating behaviors such as meal skipping. To avoid having to seek medical advice due to a poor diet while attending college, it is vital to develop healthy eating habits.

Balance your energy intake, cut down on saturated and trans fats, eat more fruits and vegetables, and cut down on salt and sugar, the World Health Organization has said. Following a well-balanced diet as part of a healthy lifestyle enhances heart and brain function while lowering the risk of a variety of major illnesses.

Micronutrients (minerals, vitamin E, vitamin D, and so on) are required in small amounts per day for proper growth, development, metabolism, and physiological functioning.

Whole grains are preferred over processed grains in terms of health benefits, as the latter has been stripped of germ and bran during the milling process, resulting in decreased fiber and micronutrient content.

Omega-3 fatty acids may help reduce your risk of heart disease and blood flow issues. These healthy fats can be found in a range of foods, including eggs and peanut butter. Natural sources of healthy fats include fish such as salmon and tuna.

Take time to savor your meal. Remember that food is more than just fuel for our body, so take your time and savor every bite!