The right baby food during the first year

right baby food

The health of the baby directly depends on the method of feeding and the products one consumes. Creating the right eating habits of the child in the first year of his or her life is extremely important and necessary for parents. This will undoubtedly affect the child’s future habits connected with diet and nutrition in the future. It is an interesting and important process for both parents and children, as it involves learning, development and curiosity.

Parents should remember that what they feed their little one affects the proper development, growth and health. The diet should be designed according to the readiness of a baby to consume specific ingredients. To make the right choice, do not forget to consult a doctor and monitor any reaction of your child’s body.

The baby’s diet during the first months after the child’s birth (approximately 6 months)

First of all, the option that the mother should consider for baby feeding is breast milk. This is exactly what a child needs. You do not need to hesitate about the usefulness or suitability of breast milk, because it naturally adapts to all the needs of your baby. It is enriched with all the necessary vitamins, minerals and nutrients that a child needs according to one’s stages of development. Moreover, unlike any other feeding option, breast milk includes antibodies from the mother’s body that provide a stronger immune system that fights viruses and diseases. Therefore, of course, the best option for feeding a child at least for 4-6 months is breast milk, as it fully meets the individual needs of the child.

If the mother is not able or does not have the desire and ability to breastfeed, a worthy substitute for breast milk is a baby formula. Yes, it does not contain natural antibodies, but this milk is endowed with almost all the necessary nutrients that the child consumes according to its age and body characteristics. And since home-made baby formula is not recommended by doctors, as it may lack the necessary elements for the child and contain harmful germs, there is a variety of ready-to-eat baby formulas on the market.

Baby formulas are a good alternative to breast milk, as you can choose the one that best suits your baby. They can even cope with childhood issues such as allergies, gastrointestinal problems or lactose intolerance. The most important thing is to choose an organic formula, the quality of which you will not doubt. Hipp Formula and Holle Formula are some of the most popular organic formulas on the market, representing a variety of formulas and baby snacks and are recommended by millions of satisfied families.

Solid food for different stages

Of course, in the first months of life, the baby consumes either breast milk or infant formula, as the baby is still too small and underdeveloped for solid foods. Doctors recommend introducing solid foods at about 6 months of age, as most children are ready and interested in eating at this stage. Of course, parents can combine breast milk or formula with a variety of products. But it is necessary to try solid food gradually and without haste. It is recommended to start with a small amount of such food, about one teaspoon. The readiness of the child to eat solid food can be easily seen. This is the stage when the child’s neck and back muscles are more stable and he can sit on his own without support, the child can easily pick up a piece of food and put it in his mouth and also shows great interest in tasting.  So what foods should be given to the baby? It is important that all these products are soft and easy to eat for the child. These can be a variety of vegetables such as zucchini, potatoes, carrots, green peas, peppers, pumpkin in the form of puree or stew. Fruits such as apples, pears, apricots, peaches, bananas, etc. can be given either in puree or in small pieces, if the fruit is very soft, or added to cereals, cheese or yogurt. Don’t forget iron-rich foods such as meat, fish, eggs, beans, etc. It is extremely important to get into the habit of eating healthy at such an early age. Therefore, parents should pay close attention to this process and pamper their child with a variety of foods. Do not forget about the freshness and quality of these products and cook it without adding salt and sugar and other additives. In this way, the baby’s diet will be filled with useful ingredients and as a result will maintain the health and well-being of the child.